(Cartoons below) Your business life can tick along making a certain kind of sense. You put in the hours, you fiddle with all the knobs to keep the business going. Then suddenly a series of seemingly unrelated mini events collide to make you change your mind. (Possibly the number of mini events is related to how long it takes you to realise you need to do something to change NOW.
It happens to everyone.
It’s just business. Why I’m in it for the result.
What is a big idea anyway? 10 examples to inspire.
10 examples of big ideas to inspire yours.
Marketing lesson: follow the plan
Blog competition entry: Follow the plan
Retail sales staff stalking
I’ve realised that I’ve become a retail sales staff stalker. I’m obsessed with how much better the experience of shopping in a retail store can be. From a professional point of view as a marketer – there is the obvious benefit of happier customers buying more, and in an effort to build a sustainable business, surely happier trained staff and slicker processes should all make for stronger businesses. The natural
Marketing lesson: not all marketing is smart
BLog competition entry: not all marketing is smart
Marketing lesson: talk about what you love
Blog competition entry: talk about what you love
Marketing lesson: the greatest selling tool is you
Blog competition entry: the greatest selling tool is you
Marketing lesson: never miss an opportunity
Day two of our blog competition guest posts – today we have the runner up, Joanne Dewberry of Charlie Moo’s, Networking Mummies. The original guidelines for entry are here, read all the featured entries, you could also read about how we chose the winner, or what we learned from running the blogging competition. I thought this would be really easy to answer … and I’d be able to write an awesome post on
Marketing lesson: listen to your customers
JupiterJasper is featuring some of the entries to our blog competition over the next few days, beginning with the winning blog competition entry, from Sarah Arrow, of Arrow Light Haulage, Same day courier services in Essex. The original guidelines for entry are here, read all the featured entries, you could also read about how we chose the winner, or what we learned from running the blogging competition. The biggest marketing