10 Ways to market yourself on a business card.
Why it’s worth your while to join up your online and offline marketing
Make all of your marketing work harder for you by creating consistency in your online and offline marketing.
Marketing Ideaology: soon to evolve
Having spent time tinkering with ideas on worthwhile topics, my new blogging strategy is just about ready. The basic principle for Marketing Ideaology remains unchanged – share relevant marketing related information that you can apply to your business – a combination of observations of the world, real world marketing, and conversations with businesses. We have some interesting businesses to talk about! Our new lineup will also include a variety of
Are you Linked In?
I’ve been invited to present on the subject of Linked In at an LG Networking event at Mercedes World on the 8th June. The discussion will be suitable to anyone who is experimenting with Linked In, or considering its benefits. LinkedIn – why is it so useful? After a brief tour and look at the key features of LinkedIn, we’ll address three major reasons to be on Linked In, and
10 Basics of advertising: inspired by a volcanic delay in Africa
A reminder of the basics of advertising, inspired by a delay in Africa.
Is your success hiding in a niche?
She’s Ingenious! Cally Robson As founder and owner of She’s Ingenious! Cally Robson’s niche is in supporting women inventors and new product developers in getting their products to market. With a firm foundation of international experience with major companies and brands, and a keen sense of how to turn an idea into reality, Cally set about evolving a concept of how to best support those who are inclined to innovate,
Turn your passion into your brand (how to go from tea drinker to teapig)
Turn your passion into your brand, like Teapigs did.
10 Considerations before paying for an online directory listing
Does everyone have a directory these days? It seems that everyone is looking for the best list to be on, and everyone is professing to be the best list to be on. In the case of online directories it typically all begins with a free listing. If you get pursued for a paid listing, you may respond like I do – why should I spend money with your directory? Invariably
What is affordable marketing?
Affordable marketing? That’s easy. It’s marketing that makes you more than it costs. Or is it marketing that you can afford? It certainly doesn’t guarantee success simply if it’s something you can afford. Aaah, you say, it’s the old piece of string argument. The more you spend the more you gain. Er, no. Spending a fortune on marketing just because you can, won’t necessarily deliver the results you are looking