You've played with Twitter for YEARS now. It's part of your routine.
Yes, occasionally you slip out of using it while you are busy doing other things, but mostly you are on it. There is that nagging feeling that you SHOULD be doing more with it, because you SHOULD be getting more business from your efforts. Dispense with the should's and do a quick twitter health check, without expense or too much extra effort. You'll soon spot areas that you can improve your strategy (when you have the time).- That auto-DM.
- Ratio of last 50 tweets.
- How many tweets support your profile description (if you are rugby mad, let the tweets support it. If you are the leading authority on the solar system, don't only prattle on about cooking disasters, unless you promise to do so in your profile. Then the followers are there willingly.)
- How many tweets are personal conversations and how many of these are with the same people?
- Retweets - too many implies you only automate. Your content may be good, but you'll just be another content source - boring. This can be countered by adding opinion to the RT.
- Frequency between tweets (do you do 5 tweets in a go every few days) - this can pollute tweet streams and diminish credibility. Double whammy if the tweets are selling product. Yuck. You should know this by now!
- Original content.
- Checking your interactions and mentions.
- Replying. Start a conversation.
- Who have you followed lately? Who have you unfollowed lately?
- No tweets at all.
- When last did you maintain your lists?
- Refreshed your profile (actually added a new background/ header/ picture)
- Go offline.
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